08.00-08.30 welcome coffee
08.30-08.45 welcome by GCO – Jacques Peucat
08.45-09.25 Dr. Vishnu Raj (USA)
Orthodontics Gone Away: Tales of Catastrophe and Recovery
09.30-10.10 Dr. Diana Boangar (RO)
Lessons I've learnt from interdisciplinary finishing
10.15-10.55 Dr. Turi Bassarelli (IT)
Learning from mistakes: what I don’t do anymore
11.00-11.30 coffee break
11.45-12.20 Dr. Marc Wertheimer (SA)
Missing Teeth in the Aesthetic Zone: Have we learned how to best manage these cases?
12.25-13.10 Dr. Mohamad Al Husini (JOR)
Gummy Smile Correction & Control of Vertical Dimension, Aligners VS Brackets
13.15-14.00 Dr. Julia Haubrich (DE)
“20 years of aligner orthodontics- what have we learned?”
14.00-14.15 Questions-Answers
14.15-15.15 buffet lunch
15.30-17.30 Workshop: Dr. Vishnu Raj (USA)
Simplified Orthodontic Biomechanics for Everyday Clinical Practice
08.00-08.45 welcome coffee
08.45-09.25 Dr. Stefano Troiani (CH)
Mistakes in times of AI
09.30-10.10 Dr. Itamar Michael Friedlander (ES)
The Surgical Orthodontic Concept - what went wrong?
10.15-10.55 Dr. Christos Katsaros (CH)
Gingival recession due to active fixed retainers: interdisciplinary treatment approach
11.00-11.30 coffee break
11.45-12.20 Dr. Simon Littlewood (UK)
Orthodontic Retention – what I’ve learnt from my mistakes and the best current evidence
12.25-13.10 Dr. Sinan Hamadeh (DE)
When Bytes Bite: Navigating Digital Orthodontics Safely
13.15-14.00 Dr. Pawel Machala (PL)
Risk Management in clinical practice. How simple principles can save your day?
14.00-14.15 Questions-Answers
14.15-15.15 buffet lunch